Thursday, September 10, 2015

Balancing, Homecoming, and Open House

Good afternoon UHS families,

As we look forward to the last day of our first week back tomorrow, it has been a great start to the school year. We continue to work with our cooperating departments in transportation and food services to iron out a few wrinkles, and a few creases, but we're confident that these first week bugs will be worked out. 

Balancing of schedules is a process that occurs during the first 10 days of each semester.  That means your child's classes may move.  We do our best to assure that students stay within the same instructor where possible, in those cases.  However, on occasion they may change.  The reason they do is to try to assure that classes have equal sizes and to reduce overall class sizes where that is possible. 

Next week is Homecoming week at Utica High School. It's an incredible and spirited week.  Monday is class colors and our Competition Assembly 1st - 3rd hours, Tuesday is Hawaiian Shirt / Tourist Day, Wednesday is PJ day, Thursday is Tropical Thursday (homecoming shirts) and Friday, the day of our parade and game is Chieftain Luau, and Orange and Black. Saturday evening is our Homecoming Dance in the gym. Next Tuesday, 9/15 is the last day for students to submit guest forms for approval. No late forms will be accepted. Thursday, 9/17 will be the last day tickets can be purchased.  No exceptions will be made.  Parents, please encourage your students to have fun but be school appropriate.  School rules and dress code always apply.  The link to the Parent/Student Handbook can be found herePlease also make sure your students know they're expected to be in school after the Assembly on Monday.  I will reiterate this tomorrow morning with students.  We will be using this year's experience to determine whether or not we continue the assembly as it is.  Last year, over 650 students left school after the assembly, and that just cannot happen. 

Finally, and as the title of the Email suggests, I wanted to remind everyone that the Utica Open House is on Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 7pm.  That evening begins in the Auditorium.  There have been a few calls that have thought it was tonight, and we wanted to make sure we communicated that it is not!  Please follow the UHS Facebook and my @uticaprincipal on Twitter for updates and information on Utica High School. 

Best regards,

Tom Lietz