Friday, August 5, 2016

New Address for UHS Athletic Boosters Home Page!

If you're like many parents, you're wondering where to go to get information on tryouts, fundraisers, and other ways you and your student can get involved in activities and sports at Utica High.  Fortunately, we have some incredible booster organizations and those organizations are very accessible via their homes on the web.

So, here are some links that might be important to you!

UHS Athletic Boosters Home:|
UHS Athletic Schedules (games):
UHS Athletics Facebook:

UHS Band Booster Home: 
UHS Band Facebook Page:

Welcome and Welcome Back!

Dear Chieftain Families,
Welcome to the 2016-17 School Year.  To our incoming sophomore families, welcome to Utica High, the home of the Chieftains.  Summer is flying by and starting on Monday, Fall Sports begin, and a month later, on September 6, the 2016-17 year begins!  Student back-to-school registration packets were sent out on Thursday, August 4 so you should be receiving them tomorrow or Monday! These are slightly different for each grade level.   
As the 2016-17 year is just around the corner, I wanted to make sure that you had updated information on registration, on the District Calendar and a few other pieces.  We still have a lot of work to do before the school year starts.  We are finishing up schedules as we add final pieces to our staffing.  We are also taking in new enrollees and are excited that we continue to grow at Utica High.  Though you may have accessibility to your schedule via the PowerSchool app, that schedule will not be finalized and may be completely inaccurate until it is received on your registration day. 
We begin the 2016-17 School Year with a new Vision and Mission for Utica High School.  This process engaged parents, teachers and students in the 2015-16 school year, and resulted in a vision and mission for Utica High that recognizes the evolving nature of education and the growth of Utica High.  The vision and mission are below:
Utica High School Vision Statement: Empowering students to reach their full potential as members of a global community.
Utica High School Mission Statement
The mission of Utica High School is to develop successful learners with the support of our community of educators, students, and parents. Our diverse student body will have an equitable, rigorous, and comprehensive education in a safe and supportive environment that promotes self-discipline, motivation, and excellence in learning. We aim to cultivate individual learners with active and creative minds, and a sense of understanding and compassion for others.